Oresuki episode 12 review

By leaving the fans on there sits Oresuki ends with a grand confession of Joro to Pansy, and Cosmos president, Aoi and Hina's confession to our protagonist Joro.
Image result for oresuki episode 12"            After the increase in the number of visitors in the library by the help of Hose and his friends with the increase in the loneliness of Pansy , Joro starts to get frustrate and starts to worry about Pansy. With the decreasing distance between Hose and Pansy and increasing distance between Joro and Pansy also the attempt of Hose with the help of his friends they keep teasing Pansy to be in the relationship. 

            When Pansy notices about Joro being involved in her problem she decided to work with Sun and promised to start relationship if Sun wins the final of the coming tournament. After hearing that Joro becomes shocked and Pansy told him to not to come in the library for a while by stating that he hasn't helped in anything.
           After being depressed and not going back to library Joro talks with Sun weather that was true or not. In the conversation Joro was so depressed with lead the conversation to a misunderstanding between Sun and Joro. Cosmos, Aoi and Hinata went to the place where Joro works to convince him to return in the library but he refused. After finishing his shift Yoki tells him about the misunderstanding and finally Joro understands but still not fully prepared to what should he do.For the last push he needed was given by his tsundere lover who secretly loves him and he started to acting like him self. 

    I won't be telling from here if you want to know what happens then click here. Because it gets exiting.

       Well without a the studio left us hanging in the clip but it stills makes us exited about what will happen.
