Review of Naruto

Naruto is an Japanese manga written by Masashi Kishimoto and later animated to anime. In the world of  anime there are many few people who have unheard of Naruto. Where villages fights with one another to show there superiority. This show gives a beautiful and sad story with amazing music which gives a touch and feeling of sad or excitement in the watcher heart. This show gives a perfect example to love anime , watch anime and watch other anime as well. It have amazing fights to keep the interest of the action lover and a touch of slice of life which gives a feel to become the part of the naruto world. Naruto world is a super natural world where people are able to fight due to the presence of chakra( a type of life force) which helps shinobi to battle.
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                            Naruto is a story which takes place in a world of shinobi (ninja). The story takes place in one of the great village in Naruto universe named Hidden Leaf village. It is about a boy named Naruto who is a orphan with no relative. Whose life becomes hard right from his birth when his dad seals a beast name nine tail ( kyuubi ) in him. What is Kyuubi you ask? well it a beast which chakra is in a whole other leve of any human beings. So must be sealed to be safe from any destruction caused by it. There are nine types of beast well actually ten which are called tailed beast. There are other village who have tailed beast and tailed plays the key role is the balancing of power in the world. The strongest of the tailed beast which is defined by the number of tails present in them. The more the number of tails, the more they are powerful.
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                            Every village is lead by a leader who is named the strongest of the village. The strongest of the Hidden leaf village is known as Hokage, Strongest of the Hidden Stone village is known as Tsuchikage, Strongest of the Hidden Sand village is known as Kazekage, Strongest of the Hidden Mist village is known as Mizukage and strongest of the Hidden cloud village if known as Raikage. Every village lies in different land known as Land of Fire, Land of Earth, Land of Wind, Land of Water and Land of Lighting repectively.    

Image result for akatsuki"                  The story roles around the two friend Naruto and Sasuke. It mainly about friendship between these two friend. It connects the every aspect of the story with one another. It also shows the story behind every main villain and every villain are bad-ass and so cool, sometimes it feels like you could be that bad-ass villain with cool background story.

                  For the People who want to watch anime for the first time, My suggestion is Naruto which will increase your thought of Anime and makes you to watch more of the anime. 
