Black clover episode 114-115 review

Today episode showed us "Anime watcher" many facts and many plots that blew our mind. So, lets just start the review of this newbie.
Image result for in which episode of black clover elf was introduced"        The reveal of different species in the Black clover universe blew every anime watcher from there seats. First of all, Elf were introduced in the arc 9-Reincarnation arc on Episode 34. Which increase the fans tension and also hyped the watcher to continue watching the anime. Every time Black clover went on downfall, it goes at the top of its game by its interesting fighting and plots. 
    And now in Last two  episode it revealed so many  characters that blew our mind  with the off the chart magic and off the chart fighting capabilities. In episode 114, Miz charmy's new personality and new powers were explained and it was mentioned that she is a Dwarf and She is hybrid between a human being and dwarf (And i know what you are thinking but its not gonna help). Charmy's new power was shown and it was over powered and hold back Rill ( elf version). 

                   Now in episode 115 new species were introduced and blown my mind and i am sure many of the Black clover fan were shocked. First Devil a third species introduced in the Black clover and it was revealed that every part of the history from the meeting of the first wizard King and Licht, massacre of the elf by human, and the battle between human and elf were all planned by the Devil. The Devil power was a real deal and i can't compare between the power of the real Licht and Devil but if there is a battle between them then it will be a heck to watch that. The Devil power was an unheard of except of Asta anti-magic which erases every magic and now the power of Devil is introduced with Soul word magic. Every word or command from Devil becomes reality. The history biggest massacre done in Black clover was done by human beings but the creature which encourages human to kill elf for the power of elfs. The Forbidden magic which was thought to be performed by real Licht was actually done by Devil to get his body back and his five leaf clover. 

               Another species was introduced or rather sub-species. It is a Dark elf. It is created by the Devil or rather despair. Devil explain
that any elf which is filled with hatred and despair turns into Dark elf. Another big reveal that when a 4 leaf clover user falls into deep despair the grimoire turns into five leaf clover. And it can only be used by devil or no magic boy like Asta. The grimoire used by Asta is actually of real Licht which turned into five clover after the dead of his wife Tetia and he massacre of his whole family and brethren.

                 In this episode Asta and Yuno Power increases in a scale where Raia admits there power. Even with those power up they were utterly beaten by the dark elf Licht. So what will Asta or Yuno do?, or a new charater will be introduced? we will find out that in next week episode and i can't wait.
